Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Holy Epic Fantasy, Batman

Birth of a Novel-week 3

Week One:76,225
Week Two:78,393
Week Three:82, 610

When my antag looked me in the eye and told me its story, I knew things would change in my MS but didn’t know how much until this last weekend.

Where did the evil start? What was the catalyst? And why.

In writing the history, backstory turned into epic fantasy. Revelations sprang from every character, from human and non-human.

This happened in my first completed novel, Of Oak and Dragons also, backstory to explain the whys and wherefores. Someday I will return to that first manuscript.

Wishes took a distinct turn from mild YA to Contemporary Fantasy. Now the backstory has evolved into Epic. I am as involved as any first time reader, wondering how it will end.

“It’s alive. It’s alive.” – Frankenstein, 1931


  1. Hope you see a light at the end of the tunnel eventually!

  2. Best of luck. Here's hoping you've found your direction.

  3. I knew there was a reason we get along so well. I actually LOVE backstory. Always have, always will--when dropped in small doses.

  4. Hooray! Sounds like things are going well! I love it when it all comes together like this.

    Sometimes I think a certain part in a character's life is the story, but then when I get to the backstory I realize the backstory is the real story. :D

  5. sounds like you're having fun :)

  6. Glad to read you are enjoying the story. Keep up the good work this week.

  7. EEK! Congrats!! If you're feeling this much excitement for the story, it's bound to be EPIC, in every sense of the word. Keep up the wordage!

  8. Nice! Congratulations on getting to the NaNo word count! Don't give up now! After you're done with this first draft, put it a way and take out Of Oak and Dragons. Edit that sucker and get it published!


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