Monday, October 14, 2013

As the Crow Flies by Robin Lythgoe

As the Crow Flies

Meet Crow, an engaging but self-serving thief. He has spent his life perfecting the talents given to him by the gods, sharpening his razor wit, and planning for a comfortable future with the woman of his dreams.

And then there’s Tanris, dauntless servant of the empire, dedicated lawman. It’s a feather in his cap when he finally captures the miserable, thieving bird that’s been flitting about the Bahsyr Empire as if he owned it.

Neither man is prepared to become a cat’s paw for a wizard with even bigger plans.

In this tale of thieves and dragons, author Robin Lythgoe ventures into a world where the master thief Crow and the lawman Tanris must learn to weather each other as well as survive dangerous lands, a haunted cave, and a temple guarded by blade, sorcery—and a vengeful dragon. Their goal? Simple: take a journey across inhospitable land to fetch an incredible, mythical prize. Escape the dragon. Return before time runs out …


After many years spent tending to a prince, three princesses and a king, Scribe Robin has taken to her tower to write tales about wizards and magic, fantastical places and extraordinary journeys.

From time to time, when she is not writing, she invokes the magic of Photoshop to create maps, scenery, insignias, book covers, and various bits and pieces of artwork suitable for use in the mysterious ether plane. She has regularly been victorious at the NaNoWriMo tourneys, and has several books in various stages of progress in addition to a published work of fiction about a thief and his trusty sidekick. 

Now if only she could find that spell for manipulating time so that she could turn all of her ideas into stories...

Robin has a one-day sale today for her novel As the Crow Flies.



  1. I always love journey stories. There's so much fun, drama and conflict to be had along the way, especially when the journey involves two very different people. Thanks so much for sharing about this book. Going to check it out :-)

  2. This sounds pretty fun! I'll go check it out.

  3. I love Robin's bio! How clever, and her story concept sounds great too.


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