My first draft waits. Editing is the objective today. Nine o’clock rolls around –
designated for writing or my leave-me-the-hell-alone time.
I open the crit documents from two of my betas (Thanks
Charity. Thanks
L. Blankenship)
alongside my draft and begin reading, editing, comparing, etc.
My Blackberry dings indicating I have mail.
Laura, a new follower on our crit group at
UnicornBell, is responding to my comment on her blog.
How nice. I flit to her site and remember that I need to sign in
to Blogger having signed out to check other accounts on Google. ( sidebar: I
have three accounts and they drive me crazy)
I sign in and see something new. Google books.
I check it out. But it doesn't list one of my favorite books, The Name of the Wind by Patrick
I Google Patrick and find his website. I click on his blog. Cool blog.
He mentioned the RP game, Skyrim.
I Google Skyrim.
I go to Amazon to read information on Oblivion, The Elder Scrolls, and
I check reviews on another site.
*coffee break and check our wood stove*
Back to computer.
I realize it is 11 pm and time to start dinner.
Wow. I got so much editing done today.