Sunday, November 11, 2012

After Recess, What Then?

An interlude, a break, intermission.

Whatever you want to call it, I've been MIA for a good part of the year due to renovating an old house. 

Now I’m at the point of wondering where to go from here.

Crossroads. Should I revise my first manuscript to send to the land of Query? Or continue a Work In Progress that has been snoozing at word count 10,000?

Stay with an full version that needs severe editing or climb ‘back in the saddle again’, stir the stagnate creative juices and finish the wip.

"Is a puzzlement." - The King and I

How you faced this conundrum: backtrack or follow the white rabbit?


  1. Beats me; I'm facing a similar dilemma myself. Do I give up on trying to take the traditional query-agent-publishing route for my WIP, which it seems like I've been re-writing and editing for-EV-er, or do I say the heck with it and go with self-pubbing... or do I simply put it out of its misery and shove it into a drawer under all those sexy halters I'll never ever wear again, and move on to something new? You're right; it IS a puzzlement. Here's to both of us making the right decision.

    1. Not only the right decision but the only decision...Keep on Truckin'

      Something new is okay as long as we don't quit. And the sexy halters? Never did wear one anyway :)

  2. Work on each for a little bit and see which one calls you more.
    You've been missed while working on that old house!

    1. That's kinda my MO. So far, it works, living in both worlds.

  3. Which one excites you more?

    Or, you could do what I do, and work on both. Alternate days.

    1. Prbly the best idea. Let both of them take my hand and lead me down the road. Yep

  4. This is what I've done in the past, write, revise, query, and start something new. Usually I already have an idea. I've written a few books this way and I still hope that at some point some of my temporarily tabled projects will see publication. But yeah, if one project excites your more than another, I say go with the one that's fun.


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