I read what I enjoy. Books like Wheel of Time. Bonding with the characters—Rand, Perrin, Mat, and the women, Egwene, Min, Nynaeve—tied me forever to them and the story.
The Game of Thrones
books/TV show keeps me up at night. I wonder at the depravity and violence. And
bonding with a character usually is a sure-sign their death is on the next
man, I can’t wait for it to come out on video so I can watch it again.
All the above and more pull me into a story, but...
...it turns out I am a closet sexist, promoting sexism,
violence toward women.
According to some
in the publishing community, sexism abounds in literature, GoT promotes the
rape culture, and strong women are threatening.
I didn’t get that from the books at all. The genders took
turns being all kinds of bad. No need to single out one. And as far as being,
lesbian...if so, it did a fly-by on me.
GoT shows warfare
and the aftermath in a rainbow of colors. It isn’t exactly my cuppa but IMO it does
depict real war, the conquered and the victors. Check out documentaries about
WWII or ISIS today. All the gore in GoT and more. Much more. Real battles aren’t
unicorns and fluffy bunnies.
The TV program is violent. I can’t watch it because it
reaches my limit of depravity in the first ten minutes. But still, I can admit
it takes stories out of history and today’s headlines.
Think of all the good movies not made due to this ‘tude.
Honestly, a person can find offense in anything if they look hard enough.